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Welcome to the PACK

NationsClassroom Tour Leaders

Thank you for joining the NationsClassroom family!

We’re excited to work with you and your students as you visit some of the world’s most exciting student travel destinations. This guide is meant to help you plan and prepare for your trip and provide an outline for success. Please review this page to prepare for your best school trip ever!


Online Registrations

You’ve done it! You’ve officially started promoting your trip to students and families! Congratulations!

After hosting your Parent Night, your Account Representative will help you keep track of your trip registrations. We take online registrations through our system, WALT. Your Account Rep will send you login information and a link to the login portal.

Once you’re inside the system, you’ll be able to keep track of who is registered for your trip, their remaining balance, and their contact information.

The list of Currently Enrolled students will appear first. A list of any Waitlisted accounts will appear below the enrolled list, and Canceled travelers will appear at the very bottom. You can also click the “Reports” button at the top of the page to download this list to your computer.

Watch this “How To Register” video to see what the registration process looks like for parents.

Pre-Departure Tasks

Now that you’ve reached the minimum number of registrations required to travel, let’s talk about the pre-departure tasks you’ll need to complete.

Your Account Representative will contact you ahead of each due date and let you know what is expected. While the team at Nations manages most of your pre-departure tasks, some tasks are best left up to you and your team.

Don't Forget!

  • Rooming List
  • Bus List
  • Pre-Departure Parent Meeting
  • Meal Selections
  • Follow-up on Travel Waivers
  • Plan for individual Medical Needs

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a rooming list?

Your Account Rep will reach out to you and provide a template for your rooming list. Teachers have all sorts of ways they plan and organize rooming assignments. In our experience, having the students submit roommate requests beforehand helps speed the process along. Once all requests are in, you and your chaperones can spend time organizing the list and making any necessary changes.

What is a bus list?

A bus list is just a breakdown of how many travelers will be on each motor coach. If traveling with multiple buses, you must identify which travelers and chaperones will be traveling on each bus. This helps our team plan for meal allotments and ticket numbers.

What’s a Pre-Departure Meeting?

2-3 weeks before your trip departs, you should plan to host a Pre-Departure Meeting for families traveling on your tour. You will review the final itinerary, expectations, and other necessary details during the meeting. You can ask your Account Rep to join you virtually over Zoom to help answer questions.

What meal selections are you talking about?

If your group has any meal stops that require a pre-order to be submitted, your Account Rep will send out a Google Form to all travelers requesting they select their meal ahead of time. If we cannot reach a traveler for their meal selection, we may ask you to also reach out to them.

What are the travel waivers?

All travelers must complete online travel waivers provided by NationsClassroom. These waivers include emergency medical information, behavior guidelines, and any liability waivers that may need to be signed by a parent or guardian. Your Account Rep will send a link to these waivers on your behalf, but if they have trouble reaching any travelers, they will ask you to assist in the reach-out effort.

What medical needs should I prepare for?

NationsClassroom will not handle medications for travelers, so chaperones and trip leaders will need to coordinate amongst themselves about how daily medications will be handled for the group. If you need advice, check out this article by one of our trip leaders.