Town square with statue

Why Choose Us


The Right Student Travel Relationship

We love serving educators and helping them impact and inspire students through meaningful travel experiences.

Fortunately, these teachers found the right student travel relationship with us. Maybe you can relate to one of their stories?


“You shouldn’t have to compromise”

– Jeff, Middle School Principal in Connecticut

How long were you with your ex?

“I worked with one of the largest student travel companies for five years as the trip leader before I decided it was time for a change, but the school had worked with that company for close to 30 years.”


What went wrong in the relationship?

“It seemed that every year I had to fight to get what I really wanted for my students. My parents were getting nickel and dimed by the company. I didn’t want to compromise on quality or value anymore.”


What were you looking for in a new relationship?

“I wanted to find an organization to genuinely care about all of our needs so I can offer the best experience possible to my students and their families without compromising. I didn’t want to fight for how it should be. I want a quality trip at a reasonable price.”


How did you meet NationsClassroom?

“We met through a principal who knew the company well. He said that everyone at NationsClassroom has always followed through on every promise made to his school, so I was curious and I made the call.”


And now?

“We have a large group with approximately eight buses of students and teachers each year. I could not be happier with the level of detail and customization our travel consultant does for us. I never feel ‘at odds’ because we work as a team with a common goal, which isn’t about corporate profits. The switch to NationsClassroom six years ago has been an incredible change for the better.”

Sky with clouds
Student looking at the New York City skyline from a tall building

More Stories

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“I had traveled on the trip as a chaperone for 10 years before I became the trip leader. I knew right away that it was becoming a one-sided relationship.”


Middle School teacher


Old clocktower among skyscrapers

“We have been leading the trip together as a team for 15 years and after 12 years, the company we worked with was sold to a large student travel company. After one year, we knew it was time to start researching our options.”

Jane and Sue



Crowd of people in a museum

“With so many responsibilities at school, I became more complacent about our trip than I would like to admit. I can’t say that I had complaints, but I also didn’t realize that it could be so much better.”


Principal at a Private School


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The Right Relationship with NationsClassroom

We want you to feel confident in a relationship with us, so we are offering two ways to show our commitment to you, including:

Industry-Leading Rewards Program
Beginning the moment you partner with us

Tour Quality Guarantee
If we do not meet or exceed your expectations, we will refund 10% back to your parents

New York City skyline

Have Questions?